Cape Cod Scottish Festival
and Heavy Games
Planning Stages - No Date Set
If you would like to join our Festival Committee please call or Email
Mike Pell - Festival Chairman
c: 508-662-6859
e: mpell@CapeCodScottishFestival.org

2015 Dance Competition Location?
DeWitt Clinton Lodge
175 Main Street, Sandwich MA 02536
p / 508-833-1690
c / 508-662-6857
Scottish Highland
Dance Competition
August 8, 2015
Many dancers are traveling this year so, we received too
few entries to support a competition.
Our deepest apologies to all dancers, family and friends.
We do not want to miss another year of Dancing on Cape Cod.
We have already begun to make plans for next year's competition.
If you would like to be added to our mailing list,
please send an email to:
Also, check back often for upcoming details
We will be holding our competition in Historic Sandwich, the Oldest Town on Cape Cod! Our competition will be held in the heart of downtown so, you will be able to take a walking tour and visit the many shops after our competition. Or, hit the beach, just minutes away!
2016 Entry Form to be added very soon.
** PAYPAL Payment option is NOW Available! **