Cape Cod Scottish Festival
and Heavy Games
Planning Stages - No Date Set
If you would like to join our Festival Committee please call or Email
Mike Pell - Festival Chairman
c: 508-662-6859
e: mpell@CapeCodScottishFestival.org
Directions to 2016 Festival
From all points North via Route 495 to the Bourne Bridge :
Route 495 to Route 25 to the Bourne Bridge. Proceed around the Bourne Rotary and take the 3rd exit to Route 6A (the “Canal” Road. Follow to stop light (you will see the Sagamore bridge above. Take a right and follow until you merge onto Route 6. Continue until Exit 8. Take a Right at the end of ramp onto Station Ave. Go straight, through next 2 lights. At 3rd light, take a right onto Route 28. Follow approximately 1/2 mile. The Laurence Mac Arthur Elementary School will be on your left across from State Police Barracks. If you see “Ocean State Job Lot” you have gone too far. Turn around in their parking lot and head back until you see it then, on your right.
From all points North via Route 3 to the Sagamore Bridge :
From Route 3, head over the Sagamore Bridge, it will turn into Route 6. Continue until Exit 8. Take a Right at the end of ramp onto Station Ave. Go straight, through next 2 lights. At 3rd light, take a right onto Route 28. Follow approximately 1/2 mile. The Laurence Mac Arthur Elementary School will be on your left across from State Police Barracks. If you see “Ocean State Job Lot” you have gone too far. Turn around in their parking lot and head back until you see it then, on your right.